Melinda McGee

Melinda McGee

Monique Boothe

Monique Boothe

In 2021, Strength 'N Me Community Project, Inc. was birthed by sisters, Melinda "Mel" McGee and Monique "Moe" Boothe. Many years of consulting with various local non-profit organizations and providing instruction to these organizations as to the steps needed to procure goods to distribute to families in need, have built the foundation for Strength 'N Me. With our combined experience and nurtured relationships that we have developed throughout the last decade, we were inspired to do more than just consult. Strength 'N Me Community Project has become our own vehicle for giving back and serving our community.
Strength 'N Me Community Project provides FREE clothing, shoes, toiletries, food, toys and any other items that we can procure that will help families that are experiencing difficult times. We also provide assistance to those that are housing insecure and those who are curre​ntly unhoused by providing clothing, bedding, food, and toiletries.
**All donations received through our fundraising efforts go directly back into the organization to support our programs and giveaway events. **